CAUTION: This is a horror story podcast. The stories are dark, twisted, and deeply unsettling. Listener discretion is advised...
In the stillness of the night, when the world is cloaked in shadows, Grim Whispers brings you stories to chill your soul. These aren’t just tales—they’re the dark thoughts you can’t shake, the fears that follow you into the silence. Step closer and listen, if you’re brave enough to hear what lurks in the grim.
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The Fragment. Scary/Horror Stories
Watch VideoIn 1968, a construction crew in Washington State uncovered a strange carved stone. Decades later, it resurfaced again, found by someone who couldn’t resist its pull. What happened after was horrific.
The Man Who Returned. Scary/Horror Stories
Watch VideoIn 1987, Boston, Massachusetts, John Woodford was mistakenly buried alive after a mysterious illness. He managed to escape. But he returned home, only to discover a horrifying truth about his family and friends.
The Disappearance of The Mills Family. Scary/Horror Stories
Watch VideoIn 1989, Jeffrey Mills from Casper, Wyoming, took his family on a camping trip to the Bridger-Teton National Forest. On the last day, he went for an early morning hike alone. What he came back to was utterly horrific.
The Cornfields of Kansas. Scary/Horror Stories
Watch VideoOn October 4th 1994, Eudora, Kansas, 16 y/0 Sarah’s drive home from work took a horrifying turn. Her car broke down near the cornfields. What happened there came to haunt her for the rest of her life.
The Red Hills of Oklahoma. Scary/Horror Stories.
Watch VideoIn August 2007, 23-year-old Jeremy Larson went hiking in the Red Hills near Cimarron County, Oklahoma. He became disoriented and got lost for three days. This is his story
The Statement Of Randolph Carter by H.P Lovecraft.
Watch VideoIn the early 1900s Randolph Carter and his friend explore a crypt at night. What happened next is the stuff of nightmares. One of my favorite stories by H.P Lovecraft.
Cyberpsychosis. Scary/Horror Stories.
Watch VideoOn August 22nd, 2014, Western State Hospital. A doctor finds the diary of John Anderson age 26. What he read will give you nightmares.
Black Eyed Children II. Scary/Horror Stories
Watch VideoIn August of 2010, a man set out on a camping trip in the Sleeping Bear Dunes. What he encountered on his trip is the stuff of nightmares.
The Russian Sleep Experiment. Scary/Horror Stories
Watch VideoIn the late 1940s Russian researchers kept five people awake for fifteen days with a gas. What happened to them is horrific.
The Smiling Man. Scary/Horror Stories
Watch VideoOn April 6th, 2012, Blue_Tidal posted a story on reddit about how he encountered a strange man in the streets at night. The encounter was beyond horrifying.
Doppelgänger. Scary/Horror Stories
Watch VideoOn October 17th, 2017, Eric Watson saw what looked like himself on a night vision camera by his chicken coop. What happened after is much, much worse...